Friday, March 16, 2012

(My Personal Version) Bride of Frankenstein

Bride of Frankenstein tells us about this creature created by a scientist – a creature that soon will find itself between a monster and a human.
The overall landscape around the movie suggests a frightening feeling. Mysteries as well as suspense are the main points that lead the movie into its real world. In this film, we see Frankenstein “the monster” discovering a new identity of his – a never-shown-before kindness. Often, Frankenstein uses the word “good” to express his feeling toward the use of cigarette, and drink. Friendship is the key that has awaken his true nature, and new ways of seeing life are coming out of his soul – a different perspective to see the world. These are the characteristics that make us see Frankenstein in a totally different way. He is not a monster anymore; now, we can perceive innocence coming from his heart. Personally, I can’t imagine Frankenstein hurting people, being a monster.
After observing him carefully, I can’t help thinking of him as a child. And that’s what he truly is; an infant who has to discover the joys of life. However, people, inside the movie cannot see him that way. His originality can’t allow him to have happiness between his hands, no matter what he tries, no matter when; no matter how hard he works on fighting for peoples love, they’ll just never give it to him.
Unfortunately, people have no mercy for what one looks like on the surface of his or her skin. This is where Frankenstein has been placed by the phenomenon of prejudice. Even his wife after having been brought back to life cannot accept the existence of a monster-looking being that is Frankenstein.
My question is how come can a being that sacrifice itself to save another’s life – at the end of the movie – be a monster?

Big Fat Lier

A young school boy whose fame isn't really good at school because of his hyper behavior finds himself in a situation in which the has to write a story in order for him to avoid the summer courses. Unfortunately, the boy runs into a complications because a Hollywood producer gets his story with the thought of turning it into a real movie. Fairly, the boy decides to get his credits and goes to Hollywood where he starts a continuous power.
There is a fundamental relation between the story written by the boy and the way the producer behaves in the movie. The main setting of this movie is based on lies and deceiving actions. People don't know who or what to believe, but one thing is for sure, doubts are everywhere and this movie is not an exception.
Values such as deep friendship, efforts hat show how selfless we are, and freewill of following our dreams are the objectives that this movie whats to convey us . The battle between the protagonist and the antagonist gets harder and harder to handle, but there is a part of the movie, almost at the end, when the protagonist (true writer of the story) takes over the antagonist (the true lier) whose suffering is being magnified when he(lier) starts noticing the real nature of his lies and what they are capable of. Ironically, the lier starts living all the stories the big fat fat lier lives in the script, becoming thus the big fat lier himself.
In my opinion, Big Fat lier is a pretty much childish movie. However, the quality of the materials such as the plotting, scheming, and jokes make this movie quite entertaining for a wide range of audiences.
People may want to watch something fun to kill time and spend a Saturday night with family. Big Fat Lier is the suited movie for this kind of occasion.


This film is mainly based on a website in which there are many videos of people getting killed, tortured, and so on. Now, why such a website hasn’t been closed by authorities? The domain name is registered where the United States doesn’t have any jurisdiction. Even if the US might find a way to shut it down, the website would be back on internet in a matter of hours; consequently, the tortures would carry on. Let’s think why such a website has become so powerful, not only in the American community, but in the entire world. The answer is very simple-the natural human curiosity is the cause.

I believe that the movie’s objective is to show how selfish human can be when it comes to something that is convenient to them. As a matter of fact, in the movie, many people were visiting the website so that they could get a little bit of fun by watching an innocent being killed mercilessly. Common sense would suggest those people that it’s unfair to have enjoyment at such high price, but deep down they can’t help it. No one has the right to judge those people because it’s something we born with-of course, as long as it doesn’t harm us personally, we are cool with it. That’s why human selfishness is the focus of this frightening movie.

The Lion King 2

The Lion King 2 is a classic disney movie with has been love =d by children and adults for years. This film is proof how people get emotionally attached to moral principle such as respect, love, and loyalty-that's what this movie is about. We have the tendency to associate ourselves with our own surrounding, and that's what we do when we watch a movie; we relate ourselves to characters and their environment in the scenes. But why are we placed to do so even with animal such as lions.? Well, producer's role is the key point for us to obtain the answer.
In the Lion King 2, we can see the love of a father whose determination goes beyond imagination-when it comes to dealing with his daughter's survival and happiness. This is why children would like to have a father like Simba-maybe less overprotecting, but anyway I guess we are eyeing what my point here.
We all know that great love os not truly love if we don't see a fight mixed with hatred, otherwise it wouldn't be true love. Besides, in this movie, we can psychologically perceive that love and hatred are the same, but form different perspective.
The presumable antagonist in the Lio n king 2 is always thinking of his father whose hatred passed on to him, but at the same time he is also enjoying his life with his supposedly enemy Simba. So it's kind of impossible to determine what to love and what to hate. That's why i mentioned the different perspective perspective concept that we see in this movie.
People can turn against us for them most insignificant detail, and five minutes later change their mind. The Lion King 2 is a composition of emotions that varies from scene to scene until the ending,